past shows
The past year's exhibitions beginning with the most recent.

July10 – August 16, 2008
What is BIG?
Annual Brickbottom Members Summer Exhibition
Reception: Thursday, July 10, 7-9

May 16 – June 21, 2008
Reception: Friday, May 16, 7-9
Are you one of the original Brickbottom Founders? This exhibition shows the “Then and Now” of 20 years of artmaking at Brickbottom.

March 30 – May 4, 2008
BAA Members Exhibition
Reception: Sunday, March 30, 4-6
To end on Somerville Open Studio Weekend, May 3 & 4. This is Brickbottom’s 20th Anniversary and Somerville Open Studios 10th year.
Milestones & Benchmarks are ways to measure longevity or achievement and mark time. How does your work address this theme?